Saturday, December 01, 2007

AOL to Suspend Paid Downloads, Replace with Amazon Unbox « NewTeeVee

Om Malik writes:
AOL to Suspend Paid Downloads, Replace with Amazon Unbox « NewTeeVee: "For Amazon, this could prove to be a big shot in the arm. Even though Unbox is available via TiVo (TIVO), the service can be described, at best, as a forgettable success. AOL’s audience could help boost its download sales."

I don't understand why folks don't realize video downloads (and streaming) are no what they should be until the content is accessible via a TV. As a recent HDTV convert, I would also want my content in HD format too. So, I wouldn't discount HD content via the Internet just yet. As a TiVo owner (I have 3), I have plenty of content to watch. I suppose there is a segment of the population that wants something they haven't thought of the instant they think of it. I think Verizon, with their 20-MBit fiber service could satisfy those individuals.

Finally, the killer feature that Amazon Unbox provides is content that is purchased instead of rented can be downloaded from Amazon over and over again for no additional charge. No need to store it locally.

(and yes, $3/month is a steal for Comcast/TiVo combo)

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